K1200 / K1300 Forum / Re: Clatter on startup after 2 month layup
« Last Post by Swindon Andy on Today at 11:13:30 am »For future ref, I measured the O-rings, not easy but with vernier and ref to O-ring size charts I have determined....
Flange seal - 2 x 21 mm cross section x ID
Spool seal - 1.5 x 5.5 mm cross section x ID This one actually measures about 1.55 Cross section but there isn't one this size shown on the charts. The 5.5 ID kind of confirms it's a 1.5.
Flange seal - 2 x 21 mm cross section x ID
Spool seal - 1.5 x 5.5 mm cross section x ID This one actually measures about 1.55 Cross section but there isn't one this size shown on the charts. The 5.5 ID kind of confirms it's a 1.5.