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K1200 / K1300 Forum / Re: Clatter on startup after 2 month layup
« Last Post by Swindon Andy on Today at 11:13:30 am »
For future ref, I measured the O-rings, not easy but with vernier and ref to O-ring size charts I have determined....

Flange seal - 2 x 21 mm cross section x ID
Spool seal - 1.5 x 5.5 mm cross section x ID This one actually measures about 1.55 Cross section but there isn't one this size shown on the charts. The 5.5 ID kind of confirms it's a 1.5.
For Sale / Wanted / For sale - Sena 20S Evo headset
« Last Post by richtea on Yesterday at 03:41:34 pm »
I have a barely used Sena 20S Evo headset with all the standard extras for sale.
It was bought in August 2023 and has been used about 10 times.

The only parts I've used are the small internal helmet mike, the unit and it's clamping mount.
The boom mike, the speakers and other accessories / cables have not been used at all.

The only bit you might need (if you want to use the internal mike) is a fresh but teeny tiny bit of vecro to attach it, since it's not nearly as sticky once it's been used. It's in the box, though, in case it is reusable.

£100 plus whatever the postage is.

K1200 / K1300 Forum / Re: Clatter on startup after 2 month layup
« Last Post by Phmode on February 11, 2025, 10:37:48 pm »
It would be interesting to know how much clearance there is between the valves and pistons when the chain slap occurs. Obviously they don't collide otherwise the valves would be bent and the motor toast.

The clatter is 'only' chain slap and backlash in the gear train as the camshafts try to catch up with the crankshaft... :-\
K1200 / K1300 Forum / Re: Clatter on startup after 2 month layup
« Last Post by raesewell on February 11, 2025, 05:40:34 pm »
Keep us posted  :thumbsupgood:
K1200 / K1300 Forum / Re: Clatter on startup after 2 month layup
« Last Post by Swindon Andy on February 11, 2025, 05:36:16 pm »
The complementary O-rings have arrived by post. I'll probably change them when the weather improves, unless the clatter is more often, in which case I'll change them sooner. I'm a bit surprised that, despite the horrible mechanical noise when it happens, that it is judged to be not harmful, therefore not worthy of a warranty O-ring swap job. Perhaps that's correct.
K1200 / K1300 Forum / Re: Powder Coating Flaking: Hammerite a Temp Fix??
« Last Post by Phmode on February 09, 2025, 12:39:30 pm »
Here are Martin's piccies to save you looking...
Suggestions! / Re: Telford Show
« Last Post by Phmode on February 09, 2025, 12:34:19 pm »
Telford International Centre? When I were lad at Cosford, Telford didn't even have a centre, let alone an International one. That's progress for you...
K1200 / K1300 Forum / Re: Powder Coating Flaking: Hammerite a Temp Fix??
« Last Post by fjtwelve on February 08, 2025, 05:18:52 pm »
I've used hammerite quite a bit. Get everything very clean, use a primer, and apply in warmer temperature as it seems to bond better and flow to a better finish. I've put pictures up on my k1200 thread
Suggestions! / Re: Telford Show
« Last Post by chriscanning on February 08, 2025, 02:27:51 pm »
Telford international centre and a great time was had by all,doors open at 9am and the place was absolutely heaving 😜😜😜
K1200 / K1300 Forum / Re: Powder Coating Flaking: Hammerite a Temp Fix??
« Last Post by raesewell on February 08, 2025, 02:23:57 pm »
Hammerite is slow to dry but once dry is very hard wearing, I would give it two weeks.
As an Akzo Nobel pensioner I would encourage you to buy plenty and keep topping up my pension fund  :thumbsupgood:
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