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Today's interesting K1300S Michelin Road 6 fact...


You just had to open the post to find out, didn't you?
Clickbait FTW.

Two factoids, actually:

1. Michelin no longer recommend the Road 6 GT variant for the K1300S, it's now the standard Road 6.


2. The plain Road 6 (i.e. non-GT) cost me £50 less than in May. Same place as the May fitting, Wheelhouse Tyres, Coleshill.

And no, I don't understand either, but since I very rarely have a pillion, I suspect a plain Road 6 would be fine anyway. Maybe they  improved the carcass, or just recalibrated their tests?
And the price? Either plain is *much* cheaper than GT, or maybe production has recovered from the Ukraine/Russia war hit.

The GT pair lasted just over 7,000 miles of France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and France again. With Wales thown in a few times for good measure. Probably the most enjoyable 5 months of riding I've had.

The rear ran out first, and was right on the legal limit, Policeman Officer.
The front had another 500 miles maybe more. I'm pretty happy with 7k. Lets see how the plain Road 6s get on.

Back with you in 6-7k miles time...

Well isn't that a fine how do you do!

Same for mine, the 5 and 6 recommended are the normal ones.

Someone buy both and squish them to compare carcass. Or buy those and the 4. Yes.

As ever they promise longer life. Maybe I'll give them a try soon. My rando Bridgestone is about half done so that'll be another 8 or 9 miles.  :-\

I did mention it before but when I fitted my first PR4, and had some minor handling issues in Italy, I spoke to the Michelin rep who said that all that was needed for the standard tyre on the K1300S was 2 or 3 extra PSI. I never ran the GT version of the 4 and 5 on my K1300Ss and never had any issues, but did have lots of fun!


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