A reflection of my indicator perhaps?
A reflection of their stupidity perhaps.
Of course, one option we are ignoring is that they didn't read the manual and simply don't know why it is flashing at them.
[Going off-piste somewhat...]
Having just got a new-to-me car I can see why people don't bother reading the manual:
- 269 pages - that's a fifth of War and Peace. Some people don't read anything outside of social media, let alone RTFM.
- tricky to work out the actual term the manufacturer uses for the widget below the console
- covers multiple variants of the car but in the same chapters. Figuring out which paragraph/sub-section is yours means reading all of them, and then going back to the closest match.
- the sheer volume of features makes your eyes glaze over. I'm sure air-con used to be on/off. 10 minutes of reading the different types and then a second re-reading to work out how to de-frost/de-condense a cold car.
But the good news:
- no lane-change warning sh*t. The part-ex car that had it was definitely trolling me.
[End of off-piste ramble. I feel better now.]