Welcome to the BMW K1200 K1300 K1600 Forum > Announcements

Recent outage


As you are probably aware the site has been down for a day. This was due to a bot attack we have had a vast influx of new but spurious members. I think the Russians have hacked the site to glean sensitive information about what went on with the Wrinklies Chasing the Sun trip  ;D

Some of the members have been having Login problems, the Login boxes at the top left of the screen are now working.
The Login link below the boxes has been working all along, I know some of you didn't really know the Login link below the boxes was there but I can assure you it's been there all along  ;D


--- Quote from: raesewell on June 15, 2017, 10:39:57 am ---I know some of you didn't really know the Login link below the boxes was there but I can assure you it's been there all along  ;D

--- End quote ---

Come on, admit it, Martin is paying you to say that isn't he 🤥


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