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Messages - Phmode

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Who's Who? / Re: New members say hello here!
« on: February 15, 2015, 09:52:23 am »
Hi Phil, and welcome to the madhouse that is EuroKClub. We're really glad you found us and hope you enjoy your stay.

Steve, Ray and Johhny, welcome back, you must all be as daft the rest of us  :o

Brian (who hasn't said hello to so many people in a whole year as he has since Friday)

Announcements / What about the Technical Content of the old site?
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:29:04 am »
Whilst we cannot get into the old site without the password, all is not totally lost. I was amazed to find that there is a 'backup' of the entire internet; well almost! Someone has an enormous server farm in their back bedroom and they take 'snapshots' of various parts of the internet every hour of every day.

If you go to you will find the whole web is waiting for you, almost.

Type in and you will find that the site was saved 49 times between August 28th 2008 and December 17th 2014 and you can go to each of these 'snapshots' and there you are; I found the intro to the Greece or Bust thread on the first attempt. Surprisingly, a lot of the pages open and you can follow threads and individual posts. Of course it isn't all there and not every page will open, but at the first attempt I also found Rae Sewell's article on his suspension lowering kit. The links to his photos didn't work but I simply did a click, drag and copy over whole pages and dumped the results into a Word document.

Rae still had the photos and yesterday he edited the text I copied and added his photos and the article is now back up in the Technical section.

So, if you have a spare 1/2 hour, see what you can find that might be worth saving, perhaps an article that you penned, or a favourite bit from someone else. If the original author is in here now we could easily get some of the good stuff re-created.

Despite my determination to not let this forum get flushed down the toilet, if you are writing big or complicated articles, it would be wise to do it in Word or whatever and then paste it in here so you always have a copy. And, if you find a really great bit of prose in here and you want to keep it for posterity, it would be wise of you to copy it.

Brian (who will be doing both of these wise things in future  8) )

The old site was effectively closed down by the domain name owner, taking all the members details and their technical contributions with it. We can never get this back in total because the domain name account and password were only known to the site owner and he is incommunicado.

I am determined that this is not going to happen to this site.

Next week I will sort out all the contact details, account names and passwords of everything to do with the management of the site and circulate them to all the admin and moderator team members so that we have a business recovery plan in place if anything happens to me (like me throwing a strop and going off in a huff). There is a risk in doing this because any one of us could change the password and then we too could do a runner.

However, we have to trust people to do the right thing.

As an aside, an extremely popular and very successful and long-standing Yahoo astronomy group I used to belong to went down the tubes because the administrators left over time and were never replaced and then the group owner became very ill, lost touch with the members and no-one could revive the site. Luckily the existing members all moved to a new, well managed site and one member had made sure that he cloned the site on a regular basis but even so, the pain was palpable.

Brian (who never wants that to happen to anyone in this forum)

Announcements / How do we apportion the costs between the members?
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:12:06 am »
 If I start taking the odd £50 offers (that some of you generous folks have been making to me) off every member then I will be awash with money. Equally, if we divvy up the pot now, then those members who come on board later will be asking how they can contribute.

I propose that we wait a couple of months till the rush of registrations has subsided and we know how many members we have. I can see we will have 100 easily (we have 42 already with another dozen or so waiting in the wings) and it is only the end of day two of the site.

Whatever the number in a couple of months, we apportion the costs.

With a hundred members, £5 a head will easily pay for the set up costs and the costs for this year and the next 2 years, assuming we don't have to pay for any heavy tech support. If we do, we either kidnap a 7 year-old programmer to do the work for us or we apportion that cost also.

Even if we only have 50 members in a month or two, £10 a head will still pay for the next 3 years!

I don't want to start being an accountant in my old age and have no intention of trotting off down the bank to open a separate account.

I am most loathe to start charging the £12 a head membership that I have heard spoken about on other forums and apparently this one too before my time. I am sure we can muddle along with a few pounds per head on an annual basis as a voluntary payment. By voluntary, I mean I will send out reminders and name and shame persistent offenders

Announcements / What are we doing about the site's Finances?
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:05:33 am »
Lots of you are, naturally, asking how you can share the costs of the site:

a) because you are nice people and don't want to see me in the poor house and
b) because you want to make sure it doesn't go the way of the old site

Although I don't want to make a profit, I don't want to go to the work-house either, so if we aim to be in profit slightly at the end of the first year, then we can either have a free year or make a contribution to a bike-related charity as has been suggested, (or I buy a Robinson R22 and go water-skiing in the Caribbean

Announcements / What happened to the original forum?
« on: February 15, 2015, 12:59:30 am »
A number of you are asking about the 'hacking' that caused the original EuroKClub site to go down. Without dwelling on the past, I think it is appropriate to set out the sequence of events that led to this new forum. I hope that this will put the past to bed and allow everyone to move forward.

(Most of what follows was posted on the Facebook page, so if you read that you probably know most of this.)

The old site went down at the stroke of midnight on New Year�s eve 2014, just as I had posted a note to all wishing you a happy and prosperous 2015. How�s that for power?

It wasn�t until later the next day that I realised that something was not right when I received a few mails and texts from those who had my details, asking about the site.

I found a website that reveals who hosts which website and I discovered that EuroKClub was hosted by BlueHost. I used a feature of the BlueHost website to send a �blind� mail to Nadeem (the owner of the original forum) but with no response.

I had a �chat� session with a lady in the finance department of BlueHost which revealed that Nadeem did not renew the account for the original site. I asked about the feasibility of the members of the original site taking it over and paying the fees ongoing. Her response was, �Yes, you can certainly pay any fees that may be due, but that still won�t get you access to the account as only the site owner can disclose the password.�. Without that password we will never get all the content back from the old site.

I was in touch with TomL via the Old Gits website and Tom, in turn, was in touch with PaulC who was a moderator on EuroKClub and a friend of Nadeem, who created and owns both the original and GBRiders forums.

Late last year, Paul had a discussion with Nadeem about closing the GBRiders forum as it was not being used to any great extent and nowhere near as much as EuroKClub! Paul posted a �notice to close� on that site to give the users chance to make alternative arrangements about staying in touch with each other, but there was no mention on Nadeem�s part of taking any similar action with regard to EuroKClub.

Paul was as surprised as the rest of us, therefore, when the EuroKClub site went down

Paul tried contacting Nadeem but he was away on business over the new year and since then, all efforts on Paul�s part to contact Nadeem have proved fruitless.

This is out of character for someone he knows well and Paul is continuing to attempt to make contact with Nadeem, and will doubtless keep us updated on any progress. Other members have also tried to make contact with no result.

Paul suggested creating a Facebook group in an attempt to keep the old members in touch with one another and I created the group in response. That group did what it was intended to do, in that lots of the old members found us and climbed aboard and we even collected new members, which was excellent.

However, the Facebook format is far from ideal for the purposes of a forum, beyond posting selfies and saying �wow!�. Personally, I find it impossible to navigate and have already lost count of the �threads� which form the very foundations of any meaningful forum. I should add that I was, and remain, a committed Facebook objector, non-believer and virgin.

So, without the account password we could not access either the content or the membership of the original EuroKClub forum and until and unless we can establish contact with Nadeem, we won�t know if he is prepared to re-establish or hand over the forum nor even if he is aware of the demise of the site.

There was still hope, but it was fading with each passing week and Paul made contact with an old friend, Martin of Natty Web Development, who suggested he was willing to create a new forum, and host it for the relatively trifling sum of approximately �50 per year. He also pointed us in the direction of a free software package specifically targeted toward those who want to create and maintain a forum.
Having spoken to Martin and sounded out the members who had joined us in Facebook, I decided to start a new 'EuroKClub'.

My vision was to have all the old members back in a friendly and free environment, just like the old forum was in its later incarnation without heavy-handed moderation and tight-wad rules. (Of course, it was also my vision that all members would have 7 hand-maidens to wait on their every need and free bike servicing for life!)

Brian (who says 'and here we all are'  ;D )

Who's Who? / Re: New members say hello here!
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:04:43 pm »
Hi Brian, Hi Kevin!

Glad to have you both back.

Brian (who is horrified at the thought of 62 other Brians out there

The Euro K Club Lounge / Re: My new toy
« on: February 14, 2015, 05:47:22 pm »

Brian (who reminds you to keep an eye on the ball joints, if it has any

Who's Who? / Re: New members say hello here!
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:53:10 am »
See, I knew you'd tell us eventually!

You're banned!

Brian (who just hates compliments  ::) )

PS Where is that ex-K13GT owning reprobate Timbox then?

K1200 / K1300 Forum / Re: Rear axle wheel supporter
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:48:09 am »

Thank God my tyre dealer, Micheldever Tyres in Hampshire,  has a proper bike workshop with proper tools! But I'm gonna get NoG to take a peek at mine when it is in next month.

Brian (who seems to spend his life going round slackening wheels, bikes, cars, wheelbarrows; he can't stand tight nuts  :) )

Suggestions! / Re: Location map?
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:41:38 am »
...but you will notice that Location is now shown at the bottom of your Profile snapshot on posts!

Brian (who found how to do that at 2 o'clock this morning  :o )

Suggestions! / Re: How about a wanted and for sale section.
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:39:33 am »

Brian (who says is he the only one who can see the Trader Board in the Things Bikers Love Category? )

Who's Who? / Re: New members say hello here!
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:33:23 am »
Hi to both Bruce and Dusty and glad to have you here.

Long time since I was in Mass, used to work for Digital Equipment who were headquarted in Maynard so trips to the motherland were frequent and very enjoyable; a great bunch of bikers in the company, but mostly on Harley's, obviously!

Brian (who has to say a big thank you to Dusty for his constant encouragement with the new site endeavours and particularly for the spirit in which it was given!)

Praise or Shame / Re: Praise
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:25:02 am »
If I'm not very much mistaken, I believe that a certain Mr PaulC is organising a distillery trip on his faceache page; don't know if I am speaking out of turn or even if it is open to others, but it is just a thought.

Brian (who notices that Bowmore have quite affordable out of season accommodation on site  8) )

Who's Who? / Re: Hello from Derby
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:20:21 am »
Well, firstly, the old site wasn't hacked. The owner closed the site at midnight on New Year's Eve, or rather didn't re-activate the account with the web host. Despite the best efforts of PaulC who knows Nadeem well, there has been no contact with him and no reason for the closure; as much of a mystery to Paul as to the rest of us.

Despite many efforts, there is no way we can get at the old site content even if we pay the host fees, without the cPanel account name and password, known only to Nadeem.

Hence this brand new, shiny and almost empty site, just waiting for all the juicy stuff to start filling it up again. To reassure one and all that this can't and won't happen again, I shall be taking steps in the coming days to share all relevant contact details, account names and passwords with the rest of the admin and moderator team, so when I shuffle off this mortal coil, the site doesn't gat buried with me.

Secondly, you will find the for sale 'Board', called 'The EuroKClub Trader' in the third 'Category' of 'Boards'. The first category is 'Welcome...', next is 'General Forum....' And lastly is 'Things Bikers Love.....'.

Brian (who says 'getyour ad in quick before the mad admin team start charging to pay for their next bike ;D )

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