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Topics - glt56

Pages: [1]
Who's Who? / ANOTHER ONE - New member - K1300S 30th Year Model
« on: May 16, 2017, 03:58:54 pm »
Hey-up me hearties!  Yep, another new owner of a K1300S 30th Anny has arrived on your doorstep... maybe we come in pairs?!  Anyway, I picked it last Sunday and rode it back from t'other side of Norwich back home to Chester, helluva long trek but by heck it's quick!  I am pretty used to big beasties having sold a '12 plate VFR1200 (and an '08 Benelli Tre-K) just before Christmas.  I thought I could settle down and live life as a "normal" near retired person should... but hell no!  Christmas and 2017 wivout me bike has been a nightmare, so I shelled out on a minty '14 reg K1300S and so far, I'm impressed.  It's got a Givi rack and topbox, and I've already bought sport panniers and the fitting bracket, so they will go on soon.  I'm going to fit a better screen as the ol' wind blast is a bit much.  Any other recommendations or suggestions?

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