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Is it possible to make this forum accessible through Tapatalk?

Dunno, never heard of it!

Any techie types out there?

Brian (who thinks himself lucky he doesn't have to post his posts, as it were  ::) )

can't say I see the point? I have tried it, and eventually uninstalled it, I found it every bit as easy to use the browser to view my forums, and didn't appreciate the constant updates that were irrelevant to me, undoubtedly I could have fine tuned it, but to be honest lifes too short  :-[

I agree with KennyC. I tried it on another forum and reverted to normal internet access for the reasons he mentions.

I know of it, but I've not used it in anger or integrated it before.
So, here's what I read:

Its a mobile app that gives you an aggregation/overview of your selected blogs and forums, and notifies you of new posts.
You can also reply to posts from within the app. You can control the notifications pretty well, with 'silent' times (night time), no notifications from specific sites, etc.

It is possible to integrate it into our forum software. It would take some effort, but not excessive.

It is a free app with ads. Since its free that means that data (mostly non-personal) is gathered for their benefit - location, Bluetooth, battery levels(!) for example. You can expect your Facebook and Google+ friends to get automatic invites to Tapatalk if you log in using thoese methods. So, its not dissimilar to FB, etc.
The forum data may be also be a source of income to Tapatalk, but I couldn't see that written anywhere.

They do offer some ad income back, which could help Brian's costs, but with our numbers, its going to be peanuts. I'm pretty sure we would need many tens of thousands of users to balance the books.

So, in summary:
- it's possible, but Brian's call
- it's not a bad way to keep up on mobile
- you will be giving a little data away, as ever

A small aside if you're just after a minimal mobile view of the site, that's easily done. Visit this URL:
The rule is simply add '?wap' on the end of the address.
This will work on the most awful of phones. Truly awful phones, which none of us would possibly own.  ;D

Only one wrinkle - if there's already a '?' in the URL, you need to change to '&wap' on the end instead.
For example, if you're logged in on a mobile device this will display your unread posts:


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