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BMW's Navigator Mount or other options on K1300s?

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With the current deals on the Navigator V and VI, the difference between them and the Garmin options has shrunk a lot, so I'm considering getting one shortly.

However, mounting it on the bike is doing my head in with options.  With nowhere to bolt something on the handlebars, I have considered BMW's option on the battery cover and spent a while looking at other options, but there are so few out there.

Does anyone have any experience with the official BMW option?  I haven't seen any photos of real-world use with one of these.

Does anyone have any best other options which are non-destructive to the bike?  I don't really fancy making holes anywhere to fit one.

Lots in here if you do a search.

The battery cover option is rubbish if you wanna see the screen, too low and out of the line of sight and don't even think of a tankbag...

Plenty of bar options. Hornig do the gizmo that goes in the inner end of the bar, either side and works brilliantly.

They and others also do an option to mount it in place of the badge in the centre of the bars. Bit low for my liking again.


--- Quote from: markrich on May 20, 2018, 10:49:48 am ---
However, mounting it on the bike is doing my head in with options.  With nowhere to bolt something on the handlebars, I have considered BMW's option on the battery cover and spent a while looking at other options, but there are so few out there.

Does anyone have any best other options which are non-destructive to the bike?  I don't really fancy making holes anywhere to fit one.

--- End quote ---

<salesman mode>
What you need is my RAM mount thingummie.  ;D

It mounts where the BMW badge is, in the middle of the fork yoke. Pop the badge out, screw the RAM mount in.

I have a Garmin clamp that fits the RAM mount too:

</salesman mode>

(But no wiring is for sale from me. I can't be arsed to remove the Garmin wiring that goes with it. It seems to go under tank and fairing somewhere...)

So, half-a-mount salesman then  8)

A couple of screws each side of the tank panels, pull em backward one at a time and Bob will be along shortly to complain as usual.

Isn't it top fairing off as well as tank?

I can see the little Garmin box - it's stuck to the frame on the right side:


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