Photobucket used to be simple, free and just worked unlike my good self being the polar opposite; complicated, high maintenance and only work when I feel like it!
Well Photobucket worked until June 2017 when it didn’t because they decided to change from free to a subscription model and charge $99-$399 annually for the privilege and for years now I see empty Photobucket frames all over the Internet.
Against my better judgement I started to use Google Drive which seemed to play reasonably well on Apple device all things considered. It was simple, free and just worked.
Until I came here and it didn’t! Finally figured it out as some kind soul (Rich maybe?) wrote a guide that helped a lot but then this forum software wouldn’t display HEIC which my iPhone was set to use and how all the images in Google Drive were stored.
The remedy was to set my iPhone to jpeg and go through all of my bikey images on Google Drive converting them to jpeg and once again we were back in simple, free & just working territory. Well almost as to display images here I had to faff around chopping & changing the beginning & end of the <insert photo> syntax. Until once again it didn’t.
Kinda puts me off using imgbb or any other image hosting service to be honest having been through the loop more this many times already.
I’ll sit this one out for the time being but as I said before I’ll be happy to help with any testing if needed.